Queer Attachment: Expanding Paths to Connection and Belonging
Challenge rigid ideas of connection. Embrace relationships that feel expansive rather than limiting. Seek out and nurture the spaces where you feel truly seen.

Queer Attachment: Expanding Paths to Connection and Belonging
Queer attachment reminds us that love, trust, and stability are not confined to a one-size-fits-all model. They thrive in the spaces where we are truly seen, deeply valued, and free to exist as our most authentic selves. Expanding our understanding of attachment doesn’t just affirm queer experiences, it invites everyone to reimagine what it means to connect, care, and belong.

Things Your Therapist Wishes You Knew

Navigating the Holidays with Your Trans or GNC Partner(s)

Tarot and Intuition with Annie DeRuyte

How to Identify CPTSD/Emotional Flashbacks and What to Do When One Happens

Today is Trans Day of Remembrance

Queer Attachment: Expanding Paths to Connection and Belonging
To queer something is to challenge the rigidity of what is expected and what is assumed to be “normal.” The term “normative” refers to what is usual and expected simply because it’s usual. Queering mental health means not only challenging heteronormativity but also examining the subtle ways in which queer people are expected to conform to a different set of norms—often in ways that replicate rigid binaries.

Sustainable Community Activism

IN Magazine: Coming Down From Pride
Check out IN Magazine's latest issue!

Queering COVID Safety
We can make the changes we need to to help our communities feel safer and more inclusive, and to keep ourselves healthy!

Coping with Queer Estrangement: The Families We Don’t Choose
Navigating estranged relationships with parents as a queer person can be especially challenging, particularly around holidays like Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. These holidays, meant to honour parental bonds, can feel bittersweet or even be a painful reminder of what’s missing for those who have faced rejection, misunderstanding, or conflict due to their sexuality or gender identity. Here are some ways to cope with estrangement.

Gender Affirming Care for Trans Youth
Despite the legal right to gender-affirming care, many trans youth in Canada already face barriers to access. These barriers may include long wait times for specialist care, lack of knowledgeable healthcare providers, financial constraints, and stigma or discrimination.

Transformative Healing: Understanding EMDR Therapy
EMDR therapy is a structured eight-phase approach designed to address the impact of traumatic memories on an individual's mental well-being. Here’s what we know about how and why it works.

Unveiling the Silent Struggle: Mental Health Among Queer Black Individuals in Canada
Queer Black individuals in Canada often find themselves at the crossroads of multiple forms of marginalization, significantly affecting their mental health. Discrimination based on both race and sexual orientation can lead to feelings of isolation, diminished self-esteem, and a profound sense of alienation. These experiences can fuel anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders.

The Importance of Trauma Skills for Queer and Trans People
The queer community experiences more systemic oppression and violence as a community, meaning we are more likely to experience trauma, and more of it. These trauma recover skills, then, are especially beneficial to the queer and trans people.

Dismantling Diet Culture: Strategies for Folks Struggling with Body Image Around the Holidays
The holidays can be a difficult time for many reasons, including folks who struggle with body image. This may be a time when we hear unsolicited comments about our bodies or food choices, as well as harmful messages reinforced by diet culture (particularly when it comes to new years resolutions).

Grief and Loss, Sadness, Loneliness During the Holidays
The holiday season may surface different emotions as a reminder of our past or current relationships. Grief and loss, sadness, and loneliness may become stronger during the holidays. It can be a stark reminder of what the holiday season once was, or the potential of what it could be.

Red Umbrella Day
Red Umbrella Day is the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers.

What is Virtual Play Therapy?
Play Therapy is a psychotherapy approach where play is used to express or communicate feelings. Play is broad and may include almost anything and everything - puppets, art, dance, games, toys, beading, cartoons, anime - you name it, and it may be blended within the therapy process.