Let’s build something unique together.
Traditional Employee Assistance Programs try to put you in a box. We know you’re bigger than that. Why not customize a plan to fit your company and your employees’ needs while giving back to the community around you and building your brand’s visibility?
Here are some of the things we can offer…
We provide culturally competent, caring, and inclusive couselling and therapy, and we want you to be able to support your employees in the best way possible. Let’s brainstorm how to get these services to your people! We offer bulk purchasing of sessions or subsidized rates, depending on what would work best for your business.
Along with counselling, Our Landing Place is a thought leader in training for inclusivity, equity, and diversity. Stay on top of trends and help your staff feel respected and safe in the workplace with annual lunch-and-learns, upcoming on-demand training, and consulting services. We offer subscription services, affordable rates, and ongoing support in formats that work for you.
Do you want to ask a few questions of a professional in the field? Are you looking for an assessment of your current DEI practices with individualized recommendations? Perhaps you’re seeking radical organization change to keep up with the diverse landscape of your field and community? Meet with our experts to help talk through any issues and help you make the best decisions for you and your team.
Tell us what you’re looking for and we’ll design a fully customizable and tailored partnership program to help you maximize your goals!